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According to Scripture, we are all called to make disciples. And sometimes we aren't too sure how to go about it.


Well, look no further. You've come to the right place!


Here you will find practical "How-To" guides, tools, tips, and resources, from who you should disciple to planning your first meeting and so much more! (By the way, be sure to subscribe for new updates!)


When it comes to investing our time and efforts in others (in the form of discipleship),  a guide could be useful to steer us in the right direction.


Since we are investing our time and effort in helping someone grow spiritually, we ourselves need to be intentional about growing spiritually as well.


It is so important to be working on yourself while you invest in someone else. You cannot pour from an empty cup!  The practical and helpful resources you find here can be easily used to asses your own life and  keep your spiritual life in tune.


I like to keep my articles straight to the point, however, at times it can be information overload. I ask that when you read, be in the mental state to learn. (You can bookmark this site and come back when you're all cozied up and ready to learn!) I don't want you to miss out on anything!  I encourage you to take notes, write things down as it comes to mind, and be intentional about your spiritual growth as well as your effort to invest in others.


Check out the article library to get started!

And please, please, please feel free to suggest a topic or anything you would like to see here! You can find my contact info under the CONTACT tab. 





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